
See Also

PHP Function getdate()

array adodb_getdate(
   optional mixed $timestamp=time()

Deprecated since ADOdb 5.22.6, and removed in 5.23.0. Use 64-bit native PHP functions instead.


Returns an array containing date information, the same as the PHP function getDate(), but supporting dates less than 1901 and greater than 2038. The local date/time format is derived from a heuristic the first time adodb_getdate() is called.


* Gets information from now
$d = adodb_getdate();
* Returns 
    [seconds] => 28
    [minutes] => 51
    [hours] => 14
    [mday] => 3
    [wday] => 4
    [mon] => 12
    [year] => 2015
    [yday] => 336
    [weekday] => Thursday
    [month] => December
    [0] => 1449179488
* What happened a thousand years ago?
$d = adodb_getdate(time() - (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
* Returns 
    [seconds] => 46
    [minutes] => 54
    [hours] => 14
    [mday] => 27
    [wday] => 2
    [mon] => 7
    [year] => 1016
    [yday] => 208
    [weekday] => Tuesday
    [month] => July
    [0] => -30086820314

Note that in the example above, the number of seconds in array index 0, is negative. This is because we are setting a date prior to the epoch value of 0 at 01/01/1970.