====== Oracle ===== ~~NOTOC~~ For more information on using advanced functionality in the Oracle driver, read the [[v5:userguide:oracle_tutorial|Advanced Oracle Tutorial]] ====== oci8 ====== == Specification == ^Driver Name|oci8| ^Data Provider|oracle| ^Status|Active((This driver is actively supported by ADOdb project members))| ^Windows|Yes| ^Unix|Yes| ^ADOdb V5|Yes| ^ADOdb V6|Yes| == Alternatives == [[v5:database:pdo#pdo_oci|PDO driver for Oracle]] == See Also == [[v5:reference:connection:setconnectionparameter#oracle|setConnectionParameter()]] ** This is the preferred driver for connecting to Oracle databases ** Despite its name, this driver supports Oracle databases up to and including Oracle 11. This is currently the only supported driver when using PHP 7 --------------------------------------- ===== Driver Specific Methods ===== Non portable methods are not declared in the base class. Use of these methods in portable code will cause a fatal error when used with other drivers. The following **non-portable** methods are available to this driver ^ Method ^ Description ^ | [[v5:database:oracle:bind|bind()]] | A fast way of updating records | | [[v5:database:oracle:executecursor|executeCursor()]] | Returns a cursor to procedure as a handle | {{tag>[oracle unix windows active tier1]}} ==== Connection Examples ==== a. PHP and Oracle reside on the same machine, use default SID, with non-persistent connections: $conn = NewADOConnection('oci8'); $conn->connect(false, 'scott', 'tiger'); b. TNS Name defined in tnsnames.ora (or ONAMES or HOSTNAMES), eg. 'myTNS': $conn = NewADOConnection('oci8'); $conn->connect(false, 'scott', 'tiger', 'myTNS'); or $conn->connect('myTNS', 'scott', 'tiger'); c. Host Address and SID $conn->connectSID = true; $conn->connect('', 'scott', 'tiger', 'SID'); d. Host Address and Service Name $conn->connect('', 'scott', 'tiger', 'servicename'); e. Oracle connection string: $cstr = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=$host) (PORT=$port) ) (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$sid) ) )"; $conn->connect($cstr, 'scott', 'tiger'); f. ADOdb data source names (dsn): $dsn = 'oci8://user:pwd@tnsname/?persist'; # persist is optional $conn = ADONewConnection($dsn); # no need for connect/pConnect $dsn = 'oci8://user:pwd@host/sid'; $conn = ADONewConnection($dsn); $dsn = 'oci8://user:pwd@/'; # oracle on local machine $conn = ADONewConnection($dsn); With ADOdb data source names, there is no need to call ''connect()'' or ''pConnect()'' as this is done automatically. --------------------------------- ==== Date Format ==== By default, after connection the following SQL is issued: "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='".$this->NLS_DATE_FORMAT."'" The default value for ''NLS_DATE_FORMAT'' is ''YYYY-MM-DD''. To include time as well, use ''RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'' or set the value to empty to disable this action. ---------------------------------- ==== Auto-Increment Column ==== [[v5:dictionary:column_attributes#AUTO or AUTOINCREMENT|Auto-increment]] support for Oracle databases is implemented by creating an on-insert trigger that retrieves a sequence number from a sequence //**SEQ_ + table name **//. This is done by default. If you have long table names then the generated trigger name can exceed the maximum allowed length. To prevent this, use the class variable ''useCompactAutoIncrements''. This will change the trigger name to a generated CRC value of the name. === Example using the table name "customer_delivery_address" === By default, the trigger name would be SEQ_CUSTOMER_DELIVERY_ADDRESS which exceeds the 16 character name for sequences. By setting ''$db->useCompactAutoIncrements=true'', the sequence name is changed to ''SEQ_401703491'' === Accessing the trigger in your code === $db->useCompactAutoIncrements=true; $tab = 'customer_delivery_address'; $tab = sprintf('SEQ_%u',crc32(strtolower($tab))); print $tab; //prints SEQ_401703491 ----------------------------------- ==== Session Mode ==== From ADOdb **V5.23.0**, You can use external ''(OCI_CRED_EXT)'' or privileged (''OCI_SYSOPER or OCI_SYSDBA'') sessions via the [[v5:reference:connection:setconnectionparameter|setConnectionParameter()]] method, **prior** to establishing a connection. $db = ADONewConnection('oci8'); $db->setConnectionParameter('session_mode', OCI_CRED_EXT); $db->connect(false, 'scott', 'tiger', 'myTNS'); ---------------------------------------------- ====== oci8po ====== == Specification == ^Driver Name|oci8po| ^Data Provider|oracle| ^Status|Active((This driver is actively supported by ADOdb project members))| ^Windows|Yes| ^Unix|Yes| ^ADOdb V5|Yes| ^ADOdb V6|Yes| This driver extends the oci8 driver and mostly provides compatibility with MySQL databases which use the ? placeholder for bind params. If you are migrating code or writing portable code, consider using the [[v5:reference:connection:param|param()]] command to write portable placeholders. A second difference to this driver is that it does not create a sequence to emulate auto-increment fields. You must provide the functionality yourself if you need it. {{tag>[oracle unix windows active portable]}} ------------------------------------ ====== oci805 ====== == Specification == ^Driver Name|oci805| ^Data Provider|oracle| ^Status|Inactive((This driver is obsolete is not actively supported or enhanced by ADOdb project members, but you can provide fixes and enhancements if you have the expertise))| ^Windows|Yes| ^Unix|Yes| ^ADOdb V5|Yes| ^ADOdb V6|Yes| This driver provides an undocumented enhancement to the oci8 driver It adds a [[https://docs.oracle.com/cd/B12037_01/server.101/b10752/hintsref.htm#4942|FIRST_ROWS]] optimizer hint to the SQL statements executed with [[v5:reference:connection:selectlimit]]. Note that //FIRST_ROWS// has been deprecated in Oracle 9.2, and is retained for backwards compatibility. {{tag>[oracle unix windows deprecated]}} ---------------------------------------- ====== oci8quercus ====== == Specification == ^Driver Name|oci8quercus| ^Data Provider|oracle| ^Status|Inactive((This driver is obsolete is not actively supported or enhanced by ADOdb project members, but you can provide fixes and enhancements if you have the expertise))| ^Windows|Yes| ^Unix|Yes| ^ADOdb V5|Yes| ^ADOdb V6|Yes| This driver provides an undocumented enhancement to the oci8 driver. The differences in the driver relate solely to the use of cursors in stored procedures. This may be related to information in the function [[v5:database:oracle:executecursor|executeCursor]] and the [[v5:userguide:oracle_tutorial|Oracle Tutorial]]. If you have the appropriate expertise and the time to investigate and explain these drivers, let us know. {{tag>[oracle unix windows deprecated]}} --------------------------------- ====== oracle ====== Support for oracle databases versions 7 and lower was removed in PHP version 5.1. In ADOdb version 6, the Oracle driver will be removed == Specification == ^Driver Name|oracle| ^Data Provider|oracle| ^Status|Obsolete((This driver is not maintained and will be removed in ADOdb V6))| ^Windows|Yes| ^Unix|Yes| ^ADOdb V5|Yes| ^ADOdb V6|No| This driver provided support to oracle 7 and lower databases. The driver is obsolete, and not supported by PHP and will be removed in ADOdb version 6.0. {{tag>[oracle unix windows obsolete supported]}}